2009年6月7日 星期日

Need A Cup of Coffee?

Need a cup of coffee before coming to the Monday morning class? Listening to Frank Sinatra's "Coffee Song" may help you keep awake! Also, watch this homemade video "Coffee in Brazil." It's really funny and cute.
If you're interested in learning more "Slangs Terms and Nicknames for Coffee," check out this webpage.

2009年6月5日 星期五


Describe the superstitions to which you or someone you know adheres. What is your attitude toward them?

2009年6月4日 星期四


Summarize the definition of each of the four types of doublespeak. Then find or create one additional example for each of those four types.

2009年5月24日 星期日

Conflicts with Scroungers

What conflicts does the author have with can scroungers? How is the author different from them?

2009年5月21日 星期四

Dumpster DIving

Which of the things Eighner finds in Dumpsters surprise you? Why? Please explain.

2009年3月22日 星期日

Problems with the eCampus Chatroom?

How many of you experienced problems with the eCampus chatroom? Let me know by responding to this post.

Tata Nano

Look at this photo of Tata Nano. Isn't it cute?

2009年3月8日 星期日

Out-of-Body Experiences

Click to hear Herbie B talking about his out-of-body experiences.
Also, watch this interesting video about an out-of-body experiment.

About Blog Writing

I created in the right-hand column a new section called "Articles for Blog Writing," which contains the links to the articles you're supposed to read and respond to.
The blog writing assignment due this Friday is "A Web Awash in Liquor Ads, Promoting Moderation." Read the article and write in 200-300 words a short response essay.

2009年3月5日 星期四

Interview Questions

Work with your group and prepare 5 interview questions. Post your questions by responding to this message.

2009年2月23日 星期一

Group Presentations

Group 1: 李郁涵(Jane Li) 賴佳伶(Judy) 林麗雯(Celia) 陳芷萱(Arwen)
Group 2: 周嘉貞(Gloria) 黃馨霈 (Adrian) 鄭惠文 (Wendy) 張鈺英 (Dorothea)
Group 3: 劉怡佩(Joyce) 石婷婷(Julie) 林書宇(Claire) 蔡麗君(YoYo)
Group 4: 陳安婕(Angela Chen) 蔡幸倍(Anny) 葉惠英(Liv) 翁宇萱(Freya)
Group 5: 李慧玲(Irene) 李哲儒(Mickey) 張哲瑋(Webb)
Group 6: 陳嬿竹(Ann) 劉貞妤(Jane Lau) 葉怡婷(Sasha) 劉玉涵(Linda)
Group 7: 洪孟樊(Eiger) 林愷薇(Angela Lin) 陳稚尹(FyFy) 許思惟(Rae)
Group 8: 邱博文(Dean) 林揚傑(Marshell) 楊朝明(Witsarut)

2009年1月4日 星期日

About the Final Exam

The coming final will include the following types of questions:
I. Definition Match: 15%
II. Vocabulary in Context: 15%
III. Cloze: 22%
IV. Reading Comprehension: 8%
V. Essay Questions: 40%

In addiiton, read and study the following articles for the cloze questions:
Staying Healthy in a Sick Economy
First Face Transplant Performed in the U.S.
College May Become Unaffordable for Most in U.S.
Going Green: Weatherproof Your Home
Dealing with Death the Mexican Way