2008年12月21日 星期日

Learning from reading or from experiences?

Which way of learning do you prefer—learning from books or learning from experiences? Why? Please explain.

32 則留言:

Arwen's Blog For English Class 提到...

I so much prefer to learn from experiences, in that i dont really like reading actually, that i think learing from experience is much more practical, and that lessons given from reading are not really applied or suitable to everyone. Therefore, i prefer learing from experiences.

Fyfy 提到...

I prefer learning from experiences.Because it is more interesting and vivid.I can get many things from experiences that learning from reading can't include. Besides, learning from experiences can be more impressive than reading.Many life lessons are from experiences .

s910928 提到...

I prefer learning from experiences, because learning from experiences is more practical. Knowledges from books may not be suitable for everyone, but what you expwerienced is your own treature. You learn things on your own and you realize and memorize it as it is yours.

Liv Yeh 提到...

I think gained knowledge from experienceis more important. Sometimes when you experience something ,you even can rise an objection to the knowledge written in the books.

Rae 提到...

As for me, I think both of them are important in learning, because they both have benefits, However, learning from experiences is more useful to me. Through gaining personal experiences, it can make me understand how to do everything by myself instead of reading directions oe guidelines from books. Besides, the lessons I learn from experiences can be more applied on our daily lives than from reading.

angela lin 提到...

I prefer learning from books. Books are written by some celebrities, some great people and someone who is skilled at some fields. We can attain knowledge by reading. Besides, many people write their experiences in books so we can adopt their suggestions and reduce the chances of making failure. For me, reading books is the first choice to enhance my abilities.

章魚Dorothea 提到...
JoyceLiu 提到...

I prefer to learn things from experiences, because what we gain from life is more realistic than which learning from books. The knowledge from books is be arranged by the authors, what we learn from the books are just the thought of the authors so we cannot have our own thinking through books. However, if we learn from life, we can gain lots of knowledge by ourselves.

angela chen 提到...

As for me,both skills are important to use ,but because learning is a personal thing,only when one observes by himself can he comprehend and keep things in mind.Learning from experiences my own as well as others,the knowledge came into our mind impressively.

Eiger 提到...
Jane Lee 提到...

I like to learn from experiences.In my opinion,the knowledge in the books is on the surface. Sometimes,we just remerber those things in order. If we can not thoroughly understand that,then it will be useless.From personal experiences,it is more practical to learn the essence of the things.We can clearly realize things in person.Then,that is the real and helpful aspect to ourselves in our hearts.

Linda Liu 提到...

I think the both sides are necessary but learning from the reading may be more important than from experiences. We can definitily find out our own thinkings from our own experiences and i believe most of us learn lessons from them. However, we can't learn everything from our experiences. In fact, we still have to learn from books which we read. Reading can show us others experiences and we will know from the examples.

yaus2000 提到...

i prefer learning from books, because i can find the information from books easier than learning from experiences.
although learning from experiences are better than learning from books, but it had to spend so much time studying one thing.

清水閣 提到...

I prefer to learn from experience. Although, we can learn much professional knowledge from books, which are valuable things from last generations, we can learn that only from books. However, there are still many things we can’t learn only from books. Something we have to learn from our daily life and search for it from our experience. Finally, it will be part of our life and maybe it will be more useful than knowledge from books.

Eiger 提到...

I prefer learning from books, because books teach me a lot of common knowledge. Books are also the combination of our ancestors’ wisdom. Although the experiencing is important, the basic knowledge is from books. Because of reading a lot, we can learn how to deal with everything in the reality. I think if we want to try or do anything, we should have enough knowledge.

Adrian 提到...

Actually, this kind of question had been discussed over and over.I think the two learning way are both important.For example, if you had no idea the danger of eruption of volcano and you live nearby,you might die without chance to learn.However,there are still lots of things that you can't catch from the books such as the method to hole the activity well.

The two things make us more wisdom.Both way couldn't be erased instantly.

Wendy 提到...

As far as I am concerned, learning from experiences is much more important than learning from books. Although books can provide us knowledge and new information, there are still somethings that we can't learn from them. For example, books can't teach us how to be a well behaved person. We need to learn some lessons from our personal experiences.

Gloria 提到...

In my opinion, I think learning from books and learning from experiences are both important. The knowledge learning from books can be support to learn from experiences. Combined these two learning methods can make the best profit to people.

章魚Dorothea 提到...

I perfer learning from books because we can know lots of knowledge through the books and also there are some experiences from the pioneers in the books. Therefore, I think we can learn both knowledges and experiences from books. In addition, I think it's hard to actually learn something just by looking around and observing the surroundings. That's the reason why I perfer learning through the books.

Celia 提到...

In my opinion, learning from experience is much more pratical and effective than learning from the books.We have to know the meaning which is behind the book and make use of it. There is no use without experiencing what you learnt after you read the book. Therefore, I prefer leraning from experience.

Jane Liu 提到...

I prefer learning from experiences because I think only by experiencing everything yourself can you really learn something from it. I always think if you cannot do things by yourself, you won’t know something which are important and won’t feel the true touch when facing everything alone. If we just want to read books and then know everything from them, it is not impossible for us to know everything we want to know. We need to experience in person so that we can learn more and feel more.

charles dickens 提到...

I prefer learning from experiences. Nowadays, most of the students learn from books, but i wonder if they understand the knoeledge through out practice. Learning from experiences recognises not only the world also youselves. Therefore, experiences are living, books are dead.

熱血小天才 提到...

I would like to learn things from experiencs.There are many reasons.For example,learning from experiences in life could make me know the lessons of reality and deal with people or something in pratical way.Furtheremore,learning from life experiences is much more various than from book or reading.I could realize some konwledges from myself by thinking.

yoyo 提到...

I prefer learning from the experience because I think the reading is more stereotypical and the knowledge that the books offer is limited. However, we can see more of the changes of life in our experiences. Besides, i think the experiences let us more understand what we want to do but not using the method of imagine. We also can learn in different ways through the experiences but not the only way we can walk like the reading.

宇萱Freya 提到...

I certainly agree with learning from experiences. No matter how much knowledge we learn from the books, we still have to put it into practice at length in that life doesn't go on based on merely theory. Only by realizing it can we truely grasp the meaning substantially, otherwise it would remain just abstract acknowledgement which doesn't cultivate our soul. After all, the world reveals much more beyond that books could.

Chia-ling 提到...

The books may be filled with the knowledge of the wisdom which the predecessors have gone through.However,sometimes I think the words are too vague so I would like to learn from experiences though the books are also essential.As far as I am concerned,I like to put things into practice instead of placing them on papers.Only when we undergo or try everything by ourselves can we deeply realize the truth of life.

Ann 提到...

I prefer learning things from experience. Through practices, I can absorb many things, including not only knowledge but also something we can’t learn from books. Also I will be impressed because I do the thing in person. If I just read books, I will soon forget it. So I’d rather gain some experience than only read books.

CLAIRE... 提到...
CLAIRE... 提到...

Learning from experiences could teach people much more than learning from books. Books provide basic knowledge, yet experiences teach us something valuable, something important and things that we cannot learn from books. What's more, "reading" should not be limited by piles of papers. In my opinion, different experiences towards different things could be consider as a kind of self realization. Therefore, I'd like to learn from personal experiences instead of learning from books.

Tororo 提到...

I prefer learning from reading. Because there are lots of people's experiences, suggestions, ideas on it. So I can learn more and more on reading, not only from my own experiences. In addition, I think it is very helpful to me to confront with the way, because something, some problems we need to take specific idea, method to deal with it.

webb 提到...

i think there no need to choose one side to stand because we can not just read books or just depend on our experience to decide anything,so learning from reading and from experience are both importyant in our life.

Mickey 提到...

I prefer learning from experience. Because reading is a kind of approach to get knowlodge, but what you can really learn thing is to do it by yourselve. For example you can understand all kinds of skills of basketball from books. But you won't be a good basketball player until you play basketball for one or two monts. So evwn though we can know everything from reading, experiences are the way to make yourselve progress.