2008年12月18日 星期四

What has Santiago done in Tangier?

Santiago stays in Tangier for almost a year because he loses all his money. Summarize what he has done over the year.

32 則留言:

Rae 提到...

He worked at the crystal merchant's store as a slaesman to earn money. And he also figured out a idea to increase the income.

Fyfy 提到...

He sales crystal in a novel way.The way he sales the product boost business so that he can earn much money.With those money,he can achieve his personal lengend easier.

yaus2000 提到...

he worked in a crystal store. he was a crystal salesman.

angela chen 提到...

He stayed in a crystal store as a salesperson.He help the boss to increase the sales by coming up with some novel ideas.Take one for example.He figured out a way to attract customer's attention,putting the drinks in the crystal glasses.This experimental attempt made a big success.

章魚Dorothea 提到...

First of all, he cleaned the windows for the crystal merchant and he had done the job perfectly so the merchant hired him. Therefore, the first thing the boy had done in Tangier was cleaning all the crystal in the store. Since he wanted to earn some money so that he could either go back to Spain or to persue his own treasure, he tried hard to help the merchant. He build a display case in order to attracted those people who pass at the bottom of the hill. The third thing he had done was that he advised the merchant to offer refreshing tea in the crystal cup.

angela lin 提到...

First, he cleaned up the glasses in the window and the glasses of the crystals. He did well and the business were getting better and better. Also, he got his pay and earned some money. Second, he suggested the merchant to build a display case for the crystal and place it outside to attract people who pass at the bottom of the hill. Third, he suggested the merchant to sell tea in crystal glasses to attract people to buy them.

JoyceLiu 提到...

The boy was confused at first time after he was stolen. However,the omen led him enter the crystal shop and became a clerk in the store.He helped the shopkeeper a lot and realized that there was not only one way to achieve dreams,the keeper hled his dream without making it come ture.He suggested the keeper to combine the tea shop with his crystal shop together. After he helps him, he decided to pursuit his dream and left the shop.

Eiger 提到...

He was hired by a crystal merchant and he worked there for eleven months. First, he helped the crystal merchant cleaning up all crystal merchandises, and the deed attracted some customers coming to buy because of the tidy appearance. Second, he built a display case and showed some crystal merchandises outside to attract people who passed by. The last one, he suggested the merchant to fill the glasses with tea and sell it. The deed also attracted many customers to buy.

熱血小天才 提到...

After being stolen money,Santiago was going to turn back to his home.However,the crystal merchant hired him to workon for him in the shop on the mountain.He chose to take the job because he thuought hi might be able to learn something new and earn money for the following travel.

Jane Lee 提到...

Santiago was decieved by one man who met at the bar.After that, he has worked at the crystal shop for several months.Throughout this period,he made a display case of the crystal and suggested the boss to sell tea in the crystal.He helped the boss earn a lot of money.After Santiago earned enough money,he decided to go back to Spain and get back his flock.But finally,he changed his mind.He wanted to pursue his Personal Legend.He would go with the caravans and cross the desert.

Wendy 提到...

After Santiago's money was cheated, he goes to the merchant's crystal shop to help him clean the crystal glasses. Moreover, Santiago comes up with a idea that he would like to build a display case for the crystal so as to attract consumers. In addition, he tell the merchant that it is good for him to fill some drinks in the crysyal glasses and sell them. As the result, the product is propular and sells well.

charles dickens 提到...

As the business in Tangier had fallen off,less people bought crystalware. One day, Santiago came into the crystal shop for food. Then he cleaned some dirty crystalware in order to get a job because his money had been stolen by theif. Finally the owner hired him. Santiago then made a display case to attract customers. However, the owner disagreed. Santiago convinced him that would make money. Evevtually, it did make money, and Santiago had enough money to buy sheeps.

s910928 提到...

He worked and stayed in the crystal store for months. He and the crystal merchant talked a lot about their dreams. After ge had the crystal display, he had some money and left with the caravans. They pass the dessert and arrived at a oasis.

Jane Liu 提到...

He had worked for the crystal merchant for one year. During that year, he helped the merchant make much more money by asking the merchant to use crystal to make glasses and then use them to sell drinks to the passersby. Then more and more people knew the information and wanted to have drinks there in person. So, using crystal as glasses helped the merchant have more customers. Also, he made a display for the merchant to show crystal. And by doing so, more people were attracted to the crystal shop and made the merchant earn more money.

Chia-ling 提到...

Santiago went to a crystal shop after his money was cheated by a spanish.He asked the owner to let him worK in the store in order to earn enough money to go back to Andalusia.First,he cleaned up the glasses in the window thus those goods attracted more costomers to appreciate.Second,he also suggested the boss to sell drink with the beautiful glass.Furthermore,he sumitted a great plan--holding a crystal display oustide the shop.In the long run,the boy has already had enough money to go back.

宇萱Freya 提到...
Tororo 提到...

He works as a salesman in crystal store. At first, he doesn’t happy with it, but he has to work because of he has not money. Later on, he has an idea to earn more money in his business.

Celia 提到...

Santiago spent his time in Tangier for a year in the crystal store. He worked for the crystal merchant in order to earn money to buy some sheep. He decided to build a display case for the crystal and place it outside. Later he began to sell tea in the crystal glass. These ideas are attractive. Therefore, lot of people came to the shop and the shop became bigger and bigger.

Gloria 提到...

Santiago stayed in Tangier for one year to help the crystal merchant to sell crystals. The crystal merchant felt his life was meaningless during the past thirty years and Santiago showed up to help him. Due to Santiago’s great business brain, he made lots of money for the merchant. Later, he went to the top of the mountain to sell tea and an old man told him that he was going to have good luck. He made a lot of money not only for the merchant but for himself and he decided to keep traveling.

清水閣 提到...

After Santiago's was stolen, he worked for a crystal merchant to earn money for his trip. His work was cleaning the crystal. Moreover, when Santiago sold a crystal, the merchant paid him a commission, and he could earn more money. After a while, he suggested making a display case outside the store, and the merchant agreed in the end. Due to Santiago's help, the merchant could earn more money.
Because the men climbed the hell, and they were tried when they reach the shop. He suggested selling tea in crystal glasses, and many customers enjoyed the tea and wanted to buy the crystal glasses. Santiago helped the crystal merchant make a tremendous profit. But he was not satisfied with the life in the crystal shop, he decided to leave to continue his journey finally.

Arwen's Blog For English Class 提到...

During the year, he worked for a crystal merchant in his store in order to make money with which he can return back to his homeland, Spain. During his apprenticeship, he helped the merchant boom his business greatly. Santiago is a very smart boy, indeed. He's got a business brain. He even thought up a brilliant that offering refreshing mint tea served in beautiful crystal glasses, set apart from all the other stores ofeering only tea in normal glasses or cups, to those who climb the hill. It was a huge success that the business of the crystal shop is getting better and better, attracing more and more climbers, and they made enormous amount of money. The way back to Spain seems closer to Santiago.

Adrian 提到...

Santiago work on the crystal shop in Africa to get some money back to Andulusia.The crystal merchant also had dream but he feared to pursue only dreamed it for thirty years.The old man said he would be lucky. After that, he sold the tea on the top of the mountain and contiue his journel.

webb 提到...
Ann 提到...

After Santiago lost all his money, he worked for the merchant. He kept cleaning crystal. Then he came up with the idea that they could use crystal glasses for tea and build a display case for crystal to attract the people who pass at the bottom of the hill. He earned more money for the merchant.

Sasha 提到...

He worked for the crystal merchant and made a fortune by many creative methods. For instance, he built a display to attract the passersby. He also devised a way to earn more money by serving climbers tea in crystal glasses. Furthermore, he learned lessons from people who were in the bazaar and from the crystal merchant. Including not to give up his dream and not to yield to what he had got used to.

Liv Yeh 提到...

He worked in a crystal where he gave some idean for the master, for example, put a display box infront of the shop or sell tea in the crystal glasses.Finally they made a lot of money.

宇萱Freya 提到...
Mickey 提到...

At the begining he helped candy seller to sell his stalls.Then he learned the wayto buy and sell crystal glassware in a good price from a crystal merchant. He also sell drinks in the crystal glasses amd earn a lot of money.

webb 提到...

he helped candy to sell his stall.
and he sway over this hard period.
he bought and some software to earn his living.he also help the merchant's way to do the business and sold the crystal and help his business goe better and better.and he attract more and more to buy but he still continued to travel.

宇萱Freya 提到...

In the material aspect, he learned the skill of running business helped the owner to expended the crystal shop and earned lots of money enough for him to run his own business. As the inspiration which was more important, he helped the owner realze that he could accomplish his dream which is going to Mecca and that he could have much more possibilities in his life. And he himself also learned some profounder inspiration such as patience and the language of enthusiasm and love.

yoyo 提到...

After Santiago was deceived by the thief, he was doubt whether he wanted went back to his country as a sheperd because his money was finished.However, he was encountering the good omen that let him stay at there and decided to continue his journey of found out the treasures. First, he helped the crytal merchant to clean up the crytals and attracted the customers to buy it.The crytal merchant appreciated him and hired him as a worker.After that, he suggested the crytal merchant started his business at the top of the moutain.It is the first thought in that place and got the good result. He earned more and more money that enough him to buy the flock.After a year, he decided to left and pursue his dream of finding out the treasures at Pyramid.

CLAIRE... 提到...

He worked at a crystal shop and saled crystal in an originative way.He advised the merchant to build a display case for the crystal and place it outside. Later he suggested the merchant sale tea in the crystal glass. All of his ideas were appealing to people. Therefore, he finally earned sufficient money.