2009年5月21日 星期四

Dumpster DIving

Which of the things Eighner finds in Dumpsters surprise you? Why? Please explain.

30 則留言:

Jane Lee 提到...
Jane Lee 提到...

I'm surprised that the raw fruits and vegetables can be found in Dumpsters. It seems wasteful that those fruits and vegetables still have intact skins. In my opinion, this kind of phenomenon seldom happens in Taiwan so that I'm astonished at their wasteful behavior.

Wendy 提到...

I feel surprised that Eighner often gets pizzas in Dumpsters. It is common in America but not in Taiwan. Although Taiwan also has prank orders which are mentioned in the article, people always think things in Dumpsters should not be eaten. I am amazed that people can find various things in Dumpsters.

Jane Liu 提到...

I am surprised that Eighner can find almost everything, except for jeans from dumpsters. Because I always think almost everything thrown into dumpsters is useless garbage, it so unbelievable to me that Eighner can almost totally get what he wants from dumpsters. Also, it is because of him that I can understand how wasteful most people are. It seems that we can find something really useful and eatable from dumpsters everywhere.

CLAIRE... 提到...

Everything Eighner referes in his article surprise me! It's interesting to figure out that scavengers could find lots of necessities from food, clothes to some products like walkman which all of them almost remain perfectly intact. What's more, his description of the three stages a person go through in learning to scavenge seem very pertinent. Well, it seems not a bad thing to dive in a dumpster through Eighner's description though.

s910928 提到...

I think the most surprising thing is the still-frozen ice cream. That guy must be very lucky to find it right after it was throwed out, or he must be waiting for that bag of garbage for a while.

Aries 提到...

I am particularly surprised by his finding of icecream. I simply can't figure it out why on the earth there are people throwing eatable icecream away.

angela lin 提到...

I'm surprised that he found pizza, doughnuts, yogurt, and frech vegetables in Dumpsters. They are still available. How can people waste food in such an unreasonable way! Although the food help many vagrants to stay alive, people should cherish food rather than waste them. I think the government has responsibility to educate the public to be frugal.

Adrian 提到...

I feel amazed that the author can find many thing in the area the many students inhabit. Because my home is near my dormitory, it may become one of the reason that i cannot figure our that students throw many things of when they move to other places.

Fyfy 提到...

To me,the most surprising thing he found is pristine ice cream. He said it is stiall frozen and enable to eat. I feel that people are very wasrtful.They don't understand how to cherish goods. "People throw away perfectly good stuff, a lot or perfectly good stuff."The sentence is very ironic.

Arwen's Blog For English Class 提到...

All the things that can be found in Dumpsters surprise me! What's more, they are still usable! And what suprise me more is that food and fruits and vegetables can me found in Dumpsters too! Little did I think of such things dug and be put into the mouth again. That's just incredible!!!

webb 提到...

I think it is Eighner's finding ability that surprise mu much.Almost everything he can find from fruits or vegetables to jeans.
Even the ice cream that had not melted yet was in his finding list. And even the high tech stuff like the walkman could be his own, I think it is the very thing that makes me impressive.

JoyceLiu 提到...

It's unexpectable that he can find out the "frozen" ice cream in Dumpsters, it seems that he always walks around Dumpsters and observe the persons who throw garbages closely. Moreover, I also feel disgusting if he eat others' ice cream very often, and maybe it will cause lots of problem of hygiene. Therefore, I think ice cream is the most impressive one to me.

Eiger 提到...

I'm surprised that he can find fresh vegetables and pizza. Actually, they both can still be eaten. I don't understand why people throw them away. Moreover, nowadays a lot of people do not have food to eat. I recommand them to find something to eat at a dump; because according to the auther's experiences, we can find everything we need in a dump, like food, clothes, toys, and so on. To sum up, fresh vegetables and pizza can be found in a dump really surprises me a lot.

Rae 提到...

It is hard to believe that the author really do scavenge to experience dumpster's life.In my opinion, the author was brave enough to do that because he did noty afraid of being sick by eating "junk food." In addition, in the comtext he also told us about dumpster's life in a specific way. In every part he mentioned interests me. For example, I have never thought that there can be a variety of food to be found when scavenging. After reading this article, I can understand more about dumpster diving.

yoyo 提到...

i'm surprised that some of the useful and all new things can be found in the dumpster. I'm also astonished that dumpster divers are "rich" without paying any money but can get what they want.

Ann 提到...

Eighner mentioned that he began scavenging by pulling pizza out of the Dumpster behinf pizza store. It supprized me that the pizza shops throw away pizzas just with the wrong topping or being cold. It is so extravagant.

章魚Dorothea 提到...

I am surprised that people are so wasteful that we throw something still useable away. The scavengers can find almost anything to support their lives in the dumpster. In my point of view, I think the scavengers are stains in the society because after several times they even don't consider ashame.

Linda Liu 提到...

I think the surprising food can be found in dumpsters is raw fruits and vegetables with intact skins because they are seems perfect. Why people throw them away? In average condition, what can be found in the dumster should be their skins and stones of fruits or the totally spoiled one. It's really a wasteful phenomenon.

Sasha 提到...

I think it shows that people nowadays always waste foods. It is surprised that Eighner could find pizza, vegetables, fruits ,and even frozen ice cream in dumpsters. However, I think this kind of situation will be less in Taiwan because Taiwanese have prejudices against these people and usually are not as rich as normal American.

熱血小天才 提到...

The things that impress me most are pizzas and vegetables because it's hard to believe that people could eat those food which might be rotten or decayed. What's more, they could carry some harmful bacteria to our health. Therefore, I don't think it's proper for people to eat those food, and actually I think it's disgusting.

Mickey 提到...

I think it is hard for a dumpster to survive un Taiwan. Because Taiwanese culture is quite so different from western culture. If you find any thing that is valuable in Taiwanese trash can, I can only say that you are so lucky. So when I first read this article, I was very surprise that people can live with only pick up some dump. But one thing is for sure that you won't be starve to death, because taiwanese alaways waste food that after you solve your dinner you may find something else for dessert.

清水閣 提到...

I cannot image that Eighner can take these garbage to support his whole life. Perhaps, he cannot but take a lot of garbage because he can't find and jobs. This story reflect two things: American authority has no enough resources to take care of the poor. And Americans waste the resources very much. Not only in American but also in Taiwan there are also many dumpsters who can be seen in our daily life.

charles dickens 提到...

If I have to choose one of the things he found, I will choose ice-cream. As we know, ice-cream is often in frozen condition, and melts easily in hot weather. I am surprised that he could find an ice-cream in good condition. Also, it was not contaminated by bacteria. That was quiet impressive.

angela chen 提到...

Canned food can be found in the dumpster surprises me the most. I have seen the film directed by Wong Kar-War that the actor is given away canned food by the clerk in the convenience store,and he wants to share with the scavenger passing by. However,he denies his offer.The reason may be it is not safe to eat the disposit canned food. Hence, the writer tells us he finds canned food as a piece of treasure; what's more, he provides his experience to deal with it, which makes me impressed.

Chia-ling 提到...

I'm surprise at the toilet paper Eighner found in the dumpster. By intuition,I think toilet paper found in the dumpster was totally used. Did Eighner reuse the dirty paper? Or I don't think that people would throw the unused paper away.

宇萱Freya 提到...

My eyes were widely opened when I know he finds fire ants in the dumpster. Well, he does not find those evil creature deliberately, but they happens to be"rivals", competing for food. I feel sorry yet shocked that he really live the far ancient kind of live--to fight for food with certain degree of life threat. The different lies in his opponent, unlike beasts ancient human men used to hunt, is only much smaller, yet equally fatal. And that, like what the author said, indeed "self-sufficient." Luckily he got his dog, Lizbeth, a dog that would do "the Dance of the Zillion Fire Ants" to alarm Lars Eighner.

Tororo 提到...

Actually, everything he finds in Dumpster surprise me. However, it’s kind of impressive and ridiculous that even scavengers can gain their weight by Dumpster Diving. Because I had never even thought that there is enough food on Dumpster to fill full scavengers’ stomach.

Celia 提到...

According to this article, he can find a lot of perfect foods in the Dumpsters, like pizza, frozan ice cream, raw fruits and even drugs. I am surprise that he can have different choices of foods everyday. The most surprisest is that he can gain weight by scavenging and eating those "unwanted" foods.

Gloria 提到...

foods in Dumpsters. Sometimes we will throw some stale foods away, so it is not strange that he can find foods. However, fresh pizzas and vegetables can be found in dumpsters, it is so strange. Maybe it is because that those stores care about their quality of foods; therefore, they may throw away their products, but i think it is a kind of waste.