2009年5月24日 星期日

Conflicts with Scroungers

What conflicts does the author have with can scroungers? How is the author different from them?

29 則留言:

angela lin 提到...

The scroungers only want benefits from cans. They pick many cans and sell them to exchange money. Therefore, they can buy what they want. On the contrary, the author picks cans for his living instead of money. That's the conflict exsited between them.

Fyfy 提到...

Because can scroungers are drug addicters and winos,and they scrounge for the money not for their living. They only want empty bottles to chamge for money.Besdides, they lay waste to everthing in their path. The author thinks they are self-fish and undesirable.

JoyceLiu 提到...

The author hates that the can scroungers destroy the image of Dumpster dining, because the scroungers always have some spirit disorders or they are the drug abuser. Furthermore, they also ruin the order in Dumpsters; they do not cherish the valuable things except the cans they want, so that the author thinks that the scroungers are a kind of burden to him.

Rae 提到...

Because can scroungers are people who are addicted to drug or wine. They just collect cans as exchanges with money. Doing so, they destroy the surroundings for there are just cans in their eyes. Therefore, they make the area of trash messy, Besides, their behaviors make the author feel that they waste so many things that remain avalable or edible for scavengers as the author said in the article that he hates good things be wasted by can scroungers.

Arwen's Blog For English Class 提到...

The author holds conflicts against can scroungers. The reasons are as follows.
1. Can scroungers tend to tear up the Dumpsters, mixing the contents and littering the area. However, there are few countrsies among scoungers. It is common pratice to set aside surplus items. In addition, a true scrounger hates to see good stuff go to waste, and what he cannot use he leaves in good condition in plain sight.

2. Can scroungers lay waste to everytrhing in their path and will stir one of a pair of good shoes to the bottom of a Dumpster, to be lost or riuned in the muck.

Jane Liu 提到...

Why the author hates can scroungers is because they are always winos, and what they want is only to use cansto get money and more wine. Can scroungers always tend to mess up the environment, litter the area, and also they are wasteful. To true scavengers, they will not waste anything useful or valuable, but can scroungers always throw away everything except for cans.

熱血小天才 提到...

The auther's attitude and behavior on searching stuffs from garbege cans make himself a big conflict with scroungers. Although they both have some goals to find something useful in garbage, what they casue are totally different. The auther find those resources he wants and make good use of them. However, the scroungers only take those stuffs which can make money and they even destroy other stuffs which they don'y need but stiil remain good condition.

Linda Liu 提到...

I think the most different between scavengers and can scroungers is the attitude.The reason why scavengers do dumpser diving is that they can't endure to see good stuffs to be wasted, but can scroungers only want to find cans to change some money for their wine or drugs desires. Another reason why scavengers hate those can scrongers is because they will lay waste to everything and go through individual garbage cans, something a true scavenger won't do.

s910928 提到...

He thinks can scroungers are ruin Dumpeter divers' fame. Dumpster divers scavenge and are benifitial to the society, or even environmental friendly. Can scroungers are usually out of themselves while scrounging, so they don't care about others' opinions and thoughts.

Mickey 提到...

One difference between Scroungers and author is that Scroungers are search only for some thing that worth some money. They don't care about other things, so every time when they finish their searching there will be a mess around the trash can which makes dumpster hard to find their nesserity. Another thing is ehat Scrounger sometimes commit drugs. They may hurt other people when they are dazzled by drugs.

Ann 提到...

Can scroungers can only see cans to cange money. They will lay waste and stir evrything they see. On the contrary, scanvengers don't waste things and they treasure what they have. Can scroungers will also go to individual garbage cans which a scanvenger won't go.

Eiger 提到...

Can scroungers are almost winos and drug addicts. They only pick up bottles and cans, for they want to earn money. However, they do not concern other useful stuff. In auther's eyes, he saw clothing, food and living necessities. He can use them to live a comfortable life. On the contrary, can scroungers only care about money, because they've addicted to drugs and alcohol. This deed is nothing in the auther's eyes, because he disparage them who waste so much useful stuff. To sum up, the auther thought that scroungers have to not waste useful stuff , like what scavengers do.

Sasha 提到...

In the author's opinion, scavengers will make a good use of or even repair things they find in the dumpsters. However, scroungers just let them go waste. What's worse, scroungers always tear up the dumpsters, mix the contents, and litter the area. As a result, the author doesn't like them and feel disturbed by them.

Adrian 提到...

The reason that the author do not like can scroungers is because the can scroungers only want the bottle and would ruin the shoe that the author wnat. Moreover,I think maybe scroungers only can see the valuse of bottles rather than other things. For example, the author can find many necessities of life in the trash can. However, the can scroungers may only use bottle to get some cash and still live in a luxrious way.

清水閣 提到...

These can scroungers earn contempt by dumpsters because they only take cans to earn little money instead of taking other surplus things in daily life. Most of these can scroungers are winos who don’t lead their life seriously and their behaviors are rot respectful by dumpsters like mixing up containers and littering which ruin in the muck. This is the main conflict between dumpsters and scroungers.

Jane Lee 提到...

Those can scroungers will blend the things together and make a terribel mess of the area. It might result in the intolerance of scavenging from the inhabitants. It seems that it is apt for them to be regarded as uncourtliness by the public due to their littering.

charles dickens 提到...

Those scroungers are mostly drug addicts and winos. As we know, bottles can be recycled and be sold for money. Therefore, the bottle must be in a certain place for recycling. However, those scroungers tend to tear up the Dumpsters, mixing the content and littering the area. That makes the Dumpster diving more difficult. Also, they earn his contempt by passing up change, canned goods and readily hockable items.

Celia 提到...

The writer thinks that can scroungers are drug addicts and winos, they scrounge cans because they have to earn small amount of money every day, the different between them and the writer is that the writer is not looking for money by scanvenging but foods and commodities. besides, the writer has some opinion about go through individual garbage cans, he thinks it offens the householder and it is better to scanvenge a Dumpster because is somehow less personal.

webb 提到...

In my opinion, i think the Dumpster has a higher moral standerd than the scroungers. Because the scroungers would do something like drug abusing, alcohol drinking or even garbage going, the above was all the thing that the Dumpster would not do. I think the majorest difference between them was the scoungers will go through garbage can but the Dumpster will not.

Gloria 提到...

The author thinks that those scroungers only tkke what they want, cans and bottles, but they usually leave garbage in a mess. It will intefere with Dumpsters works. For example, they will pour liquid out of cans and then it will make garbage cans dirty and disgusting.
On the other hand, Dumpsters will only take what they want but they won't mess up garbage cans and the environment.

Tororo 提到...

I think the greatest conflict between scavengers and scroungers is that the scavengers hate to see good stuff go to waste. On the other hand, the scroungers lay waste to everything in their path. This is one of the reasons that the scavengers hate the can scroungers. However, I think the other reason is that the can scroungers tear up the Dumpsters, mixing the contents and littering the area.

Chia-ling 提到...

Eighner has mentioned two major points;in his opinion,those can scroungers are people who have addiction to alcohol and their purpose is collect cans as many as possible to have opportunity drinking wine. In addition, these scroungers like to go through the individual household garbage. As a result, this behavior can be regarded as a invasion.

Wendy 提到...

In the article, the author thinks that can scroungers waste almost everything when they collect cans. They just want selling cans in order to get money. However, the scavengers like author make use of everything they find in the Dumpsters. In addition, the author will not go throuth individual garbages because it is not a good behavior; it is a kind of invation to others.

yoyo 提到...

I think the apparently difference between scrounger and scavenger is scroungers focus on collecting the cans which can get amount of cash. However, most of them are winos who will lose their mind after drink. They are somehow less personal because they even trespass close to a dwelling in order to get more cans, and they will clutter the litter around the dwelling. Besides, they are wasteful, they stir all the things together and make it dirty except cans. I think above mentioned are the reason that the author hates them

angela chen 提到...

Compared with professional dumpster scroungers,the canned scroungers tend to be opportunitists. They are not willing to make efforts to find out valuable items from an ocean of garbage. All they want is a bottle of can. They may mix the contents and litter the area,which really bothers the dumpster scroungers. Moreover, because of their selfish but definite aim, can scroungers will gain the bottles at any cost. They don't care about the consequence,which may gives civil people bad impression. Individual garbage cans become victim to these lazy treasure hunters.

宇萱Freya 提到...
章魚Dorothea 提到...

The author picks those cans for living, however, the can scroungers want to sell the cans for money instead. I think that's the biggest conflict between them. Unlike the author, the can scroungers does not pay respect to others because what they consider the most is the selling of the cans.

宇萱Freya 提到...

As the author has declaired that he would definitely despise those Scroungers who even rummage indivisual garbage cans, which the Scavengers would never do.The Scounger's madly search for cans regardless of the propriety has posed threat to the dwellers's privacy. This has made them liable to law suit. Besides the difference in action, the respective motives are that the Scavengers dive for food resources, while the Scoungers dig for money.

CLAIRE... 提到...

The biggest difference between scavenger and can scrounger is the purpose of their ways to scavenge things. The former is for their living; however, the latter is for money and their own profit. Can scroungers are often drug addicts or winos, so they just want to exchange the cans, bottles to money, and use those money to but drugs and liquors again. Perhaps that's why the auther hate them so much.