Euphemism is used to replace some negative or unpleasant words to some obscure but polite ones. Mostly, the use of euphemism is to make people feel better when people discuss something embarrassing or harsh. For example, 用"放鴿子"形容爽約 Jargon is a kind of language which was spoken by some specific groups, and only one of the group members can understand what some special abbreviations mean. For example, 國畫術語「沒骨」一詞 — 兼談「詞不達意」 Gobbledygook is to use exaggerative words to compose very long articles, and its purpose is to make people confused and lose their real focus. For example, 在給領導提意見時經常說:“領導對部下要求嚴,標準高,刀子嘴,豆腐心,開始大家不太接受,仔細一想都是為同志們好。” Inflated language is used to make “nothing” into “something”. It exaggerates everything to make people impressed and think it is precious or important. For example, 某減肥產品用一飲就瘦,誇大產品的功效
Euphemism is a softer, milder and less offensive expression of something that is uncourteous or embarrassing to say directly. It substitutes for direct word with another tactful and vague way. For example, the word 〝motivationally challenged 〞means lazy.
Jargon is a professional usage among particular people who work in common field. And people who are unfamiliar with this field have difficulties comprehending it. For instance, the 〝grievous bodily harm〞is a term used in English criminal law which means the offenses against the person act that are created by section 18 and 20.
Gobbledygook is the language characterized by jargon. It is used by bureaucrats particularly and hard to understand because it is usually obscure and technical word. For example, 〝Most tax revisions didn’t improve the system, they made it more like Washington itself: complicated, unfair, cluttered with gobbledygook and loopholes designed for those with the power and influence to hire high-priced and tax advisers.〞
Inflated language exaggerates the effect of common things to remarkable and outstanding extent. For instance, 〝mental activity at the margins〞means the insanity.
Euphemism is an agreeable or less offensive expression in place of one that may offend or suggest something unpleasant to the listener. For example,"physical challenged" is to describe people who are disabled.
Jargon is terminology which has been especially defined in relationship to a specific activity, profession, or group. Yet in many cases this may cause a barrier to communication with those not familiar with the language of the field. For example, "hygienic treatment" is funeral jargon for the temporary preservation of a corpse.
Gobbledygook or bureaucratese is another kind of doublespeak. Such doublespeak is simply a matter of overwhelming the audience with technical, unfamiliar words.
The forth kind of doublespeak is infated language which is used to make impression on people and also exaggerates things to a kind of important extent. For example, the world "thugs, dead-ender, death squads" are used to substitute when mentioned to Irag soldier, because it is too positive to use the word "paramilitaries."
Euphemism uses a mild or pleasing expression to replace the offensive or embarrassing word. For example, we will say "gas leak" instead of fart.
Jargon is the specialized language of a professional, occupational, or other group, often meaningless to outsiders. For example, political jargon,left winger means liberal progressive.
Gobbledygook is a incomprehensible bureaucratic jargon and makes the people fail to think clearly. for example,it's OK to laugh when you read this. As Lutz mentions, if we all laughed at statements such as these, perhaps the people making the statements would be forced to quit.
Inflated language exaggerates somethings in order to make people impressed. For example, "negative patient care outcome" means the patient died.
Euphemism is an indirect speak that avoids embarrassed situation and not to offen others. For example,when you use the euphemism "senior citizen" means to describe someone is old.
Jargon is commonly used by groups that have a similar interest. People may use it to leave impressment of intelligent. For example,"scoop" is another way of saying "pick up."
Gobbledygook is a way that uses complex sentences to express simple idea. Sometimes it doesn't make sense. For example,HM Revenue and Customs for a letter to a customer "Thank you for your Tax Returns ended 5th April 2006 & 2007 which we received on 20th December. I will treat your Tax Return for all purposes as though you sent it in response to a notice from us which required you to deliver it to us by the day we received it."
inflated language is used to overly describe someone or something in order to change from ordinary to extraordinary. For example, "sanitation engineer" means "garbage man."
The first kind is a euphemism used to mislead or deceive. In our daily life, when someone passes away, many people like to describe them to sleep. The second one is jargon, the specialized language of a certain group. Take my recent experience for example. I am all greek to the numbering, including the process of bank, so when a salesman tries to introduce me a new insurance, I am scared by those professional terms. The third kind is gobbledygook orbureaucratese. The common example is the government officers. Some of them like to play this word game to avoid some problems between the embarrassing situation between Taiwan and China. The fourth is inflated language. Many restaurants appeal zero calories food to the customers; however, they are less fat but not nothing at all.
Euphemism is a kind of indirect and not too offensive word. In our daily life, sometimes, we may use these words to express some words in more gentle way. For example, we may call the disable "the challenged."
Another kind of doublespeak is Jargon, which is prfessional and specific. It is used in some particular jobs, groups and illness, such as the most common one, CPU. Although some these words are easy to understand, there are still a lot of this kind of word we don't know.
Gobbledygook is a kind of word that too hard too understand. Actually, these words are very obscure and unclear, and they even mean nothing ot meaninless.
Inflated language always exggerates words to make people impressive or surprised. The word such as insanity can be a good exmple.
7 則留言:
Euphemism is used to replace some negative or unpleasant words to some obscure but polite ones. Mostly, the use of euphemism is to make people feel better when people discuss something embarrassing or harsh. For example, 用"放鴿子"形容爽約
Jargon is a kind of language which was spoken by some specific groups, and only one of the group members can understand what some special abbreviations mean. For example, 國畫術語「沒骨」一詞 — 兼談「詞不達意」
Gobbledygook is to use exaggerative words to compose very long articles, and its purpose is to make people confused and lose their real focus. For example, 在給領導提意見時經常說:“領導對部下要求嚴,標準高,刀子嘴,豆腐心,開始大家不太接受,仔細一想都是為同志們好。”
Inflated language is used to make “nothing” into “something”. It exaggerates everything to make people impressed and think it is precious or important. For example, 某減肥產品用一飲就瘦,誇大產品的功效
Euphemism is a softer, milder and less offensive expression of something that is uncourteous or embarrassing to say directly. It substitutes for direct word with another tactful and vague way. For example, the word 〝motivationally challenged 〞means lazy.
Jargon is a professional usage among particular people who work in common field. And people who are unfamiliar with this field have difficulties comprehending it. For instance, the 〝grievous bodily harm〞is a term used in English criminal law which means the offenses against the person act that are created by section 18 and 20.
Gobbledygook is the language characterized by jargon. It is used by bureaucrats particularly and hard to understand because it is usually obscure and technical word.
For example, 〝Most tax revisions didn’t improve the system, they made it more like Washington itself: complicated, unfair, cluttered with gobbledygook and loopholes designed for those with the power and influence to hire high-priced and tax advisers.〞
Inflated language exaggerates the effect of common things to remarkable and outstanding extent. For instance, 〝mental activity at the margins〞means the insanity.
Euphemism is an agreeable or less offensive expression in place of one that may offend or suggest something unpleasant to the listener. For example,"physical challenged" is to describe people who are disabled.
Jargon is terminology which has been especially defined in relationship to a specific activity, profession, or group. Yet in many cases this may cause a barrier to communication with those not familiar with the language of the field. For example, "hygienic treatment" is funeral jargon for the temporary preservation of a corpse.
Gobbledygook or bureaucratese is another kind of doublespeak. Such doublespeak is simply a matter of overwhelming the audience with technical, unfamiliar words.
The forth kind of doublespeak is infated language which is used to make impression on people and also exaggerates things to a kind of important extent. For example, the world "thugs, dead-ender, death squads" are used to substitute when mentioned to Irag soldier, because it is too positive to use the word "paramilitaries."
Euphemism uses a mild or pleasing expression to replace the offensive or embarrassing word. For example, we will say "gas leak" instead of
Jargon is the specialized language of a professional, occupational, or other group, often meaningless to outsiders. For example, political jargon,left winger means liberal progressive.
Gobbledygook is a incomprehensible bureaucratic jargon and makes the people fail to think clearly. for example,it's OK to laugh when you read this. As Lutz mentions, if we all laughed at statements such as these, perhaps the people making the statements would be forced to quit.
Inflated language exaggerates somethings in order to make people impressed. For example, "negative patient care outcome" means the patient died.
Euphemism is an indirect speak that avoids embarrassed situation and not to offen others. For example,when you use the euphemism "senior citizen" means to describe someone is old.
Jargon is commonly used by groups that have a similar interest. People may use it to leave impressment of intelligent. For example,"scoop" is another way of saying "pick up."
Gobbledygook is a way that uses complex sentences to express simple idea. Sometimes it doesn't make sense. For example,HM Revenue and Customs for a letter to a customer "Thank you for your Tax Returns ended 5th April 2006 & 2007 which we received on 20th December. I will treat your Tax Return for all purposes as though you sent it in response to a notice from us which required you to deliver it to us by the day we received it."
inflated language is used to overly describe someone or something in order to change from ordinary to extraordinary. For example, "sanitation engineer" means "garbage man."
The first kind is a euphemism used to mislead or deceive. In our daily life, when someone passes away, many people like to describe them to sleep. The second one is jargon, the specialized language of a certain group. Take my recent experience for example. I am all greek to the numbering, including the process of bank, so when a salesman tries to introduce me a new insurance, I am scared by those professional terms. The third kind is gobbledygook orbureaucratese. The common example is the government officers. Some of them like to play this word game to avoid some problems between the embarrassing situation between Taiwan and China. The fourth is inflated language. Many restaurants appeal zero calories food to the customers; however, they are less fat but not nothing at all.
Euphemism is a kind of indirect and not too offensive word. In our daily life, sometimes, we may use these words to express some words in more gentle way. For example, we may call the disable "the challenged."
Another kind of doublespeak is Jargon, which is prfessional and specific. It is used in some particular jobs, groups and illness, such as the most common one, CPU. Although some these words are easy to understand, there are still a lot of this kind of word we don't know.
Gobbledygook is a kind of word that too hard too understand. Actually, these words are very obscure and unclear, and they even mean nothing ot meaninless.
Inflated language always exggerates words to make people impressive or surprised. The word such as insanity can be a good exmple.