2009年6月5日 星期五


Describe the superstitions to which you or someone you know adheres. What is your attitude toward them?

18 則留言:

Arwen's Blog For English Class 提到...

Lots of people,especially the elder, adhere to the superstition that We should knock on the door before entering a room we've never been to, saying " sorry for intruding."

宇萱Freya 提到...

My grandmother always forbid me to put the clothes outdoors to dry through the night. She said the ghosts would wear them. But I think it's merely the excuse of the ancestors to keep them from stolen.

angela chen 提到...

My mom has told me not to erect a pair of chopsticks above a bowl of rice. This display is considered a way to show one’s tribute to the dead people. Every time I put them in this way, my mom will nag at me. Actually, as for myself, this superstition as well as trying to shun the funeral passing by along the road is an express of scaring death. I am a Christian convinced of the helping of god. Therefore, death is not such a serious taboo.

Jane Liu 提到...

One of my friends always follows the superstition, “People should not go to beach during July of lunar calendar, or there will be ghosts hiding in the sea to drown them.” However, I don’t believe the superstition at all. I think it’s too ridiculous to convince me. We cannot ascribe everything to ghosts. We should be more scientific.

yoyo 提到...

During the Chinese New Year, some of the families won't sweep the floor, even it is very dirty because they believe that the God of Wealth will go to their homes in this festival. They are afraid of sweeping away the god and the wealth he or she gives. To me, i won't sweep the floor. It is just an excuse of laziness, but not related to superstition.

Chia-ling 提到...

I have heard that when the ghost month arrives,we shouldn't hang the wind bells near windows because such behavior will generate ghosts. In addition, it is better not to place your shoes near your bed.

CLAIRE... 提到...

I once heard some people claimed that people shouldn't take the clothes in if they are not completely dry because they would lure ghost to come in as well. I know that's just a kind of superstition, but I still will adhere it. After all, it's better to be sure than sorry!

JoyceLiu 提到...

People usually think that it’s improper to get married in the “single year”. If someone insists to get married in that year, their marriage will face seas of challenges, and even has the miserable ending.

Jane Lee 提到...

Some people say that if somebody who breaks the mirror will have bad luck for three years. In my opinion, we may break the mirror due to the carelessness, but we don't have to care much about it. The only thing that we have to do is not to be distracted when we take the mirror. We should not worry whether the bad luck will come or not.

Tororo 提到...

My parent told me not to trim the nails in the night. If we did it, our life will be decreased. They said that the nails trimmed are our life. I obeyed at first, but do not now. Another thing they told me is not to sing a song while eating food or have a meal. If we did it, we will marry an old husband/old wife. Personally, I thought it is ridiculous. In any case, I seriously obeyed it, because I don’t want to marry an old wife.

Linda Liu 提到...

There are some people said that we can't have holes which are not natureal such as piercings before 20-year-old or these holes will break our future luck. I believe this superstition but not all of them. It's up to you to believe it or not.

Wendy 提到...

My parents have told me that I can't give a clock or a pair of shoes as gifts. They believe that "giving a clock" sound like "attending upon a dying parent or other senior member of one's family" in Chinese. Moreover, giving people a pair of shoes implies that they will flee from misfortune in the future. In my opinion, it is hard for me to believe that gifts affect people's future or luck. People's future and furtune depend on their effort instead of specific things.

Celia 提到...

People belive that every time you go travel, you have to knock at the door before you enter the room in the hotel. This is to show respect to the ghosts in case they disturb you at night. Although this is not proved true,for me, I would still do it because it is better than not to believe if such action can make me feel relieved.

清水閣 提到...

When you want to send others presents, don’t send “the clock” to others. Sending a clock means you want him to die. Another, all hospital prevent setting the fourth floor, because the “four” pounces nearly “die” in Taiwanese.

章魚Dorothea 提到...

There are lots of superstitions in Chinese New Year, for example, we can't touch sharp things such as knife or needle. It is believed that if you touch something sharp, you will commit murders during the year. I have no idea whether this is true or not, however, I will try my best to follow the superstitions. It's because I think they are our ancestors' intelligent.

angela lin 提到...

In my childhood, my mom and grandma would ask me not ot eat chilcken claws because they think that people who ate them in youth would not study hard. They said that the claws would rip off books. For me, a people's achivement has nothing to do with just a food. Although I followed their advice, I will not ask my children to follow the superstition in the future.

Eiger 提到...

Actually, I never met a such person who believed in the superstition very much. For me, I do not trust some of them, wich are too exggerative. However, I think we still have to be careful of them. There are some examples I heard about superstition, such as we cannot look at the others' funeral, or their ghosts may accompany us to home.

Mickey 提到...

I know one superstition that tou can't whistle at night, because you may summon the ghost. I don't really believe that because i have a friend who can see something we can't see tells me that it is not so easy to summon the ghost only whwn they need help they will appears.