2009年6月7日 星期日

Need A Cup of Coffee?

Need a cup of coffee before coming to the Monday morning class? Listening to Frank Sinatra's "Coffee Song" may help you keep awake! Also, watch this homemade video "Coffee in Brazil." It's really funny and cute.
If you're interested in learning more "Slangs Terms and Nicknames for Coffee," check out this webpage.

2009年6月5日 星期五


Describe the superstitions to which you or someone you know adheres. What is your attitude toward them?

2009年6月4日 星期四


Summarize the definition of each of the four types of doublespeak. Then find or create one additional example for each of those four types.

2009年5月24日 星期日

Conflicts with Scroungers

What conflicts does the author have with can scroungers? How is the author different from them?

2009年5月21日 星期四

Dumpster DIving

Which of the things Eighner finds in Dumpsters surprise you? Why? Please explain.

2009年3月22日 星期日

Problems with the eCampus Chatroom?

How many of you experienced problems with the eCampus chatroom? Let me know by responding to this post.

Tata Nano

Look at this photo of Tata Nano. Isn't it cute?